Seiha karate Events - 2014
Australian Championships Perth
August 2014
Seiha Karate was strongly represented at the Australian Championships with Sensei Robyn Choi as Kumite Coach, Sensei Leon Romary as Kumite Coach and Sensei Sean Lawrence as referee. Our dojo had great success with a big congratulations to Maki Kamada Gold U55kg Kumite plus Silver Kata and Riana Loffel Gold U68kg Kumite and Gold U21 Kumite.
Training Camp at Seiha dojo
June 2014
Sensei Jo Luga and Sensei Warren Luga visited Seiha dojo for a week long training camp to work on the latest kumite drills. The training was led by Australian Kumite Coach, Robyn Choi, who had recently travelled to Europe for the Dutch and Slovenia Karate Premier League tournaments. The 3 select athletes from New Caledonia were put through their paces with morning and evening sessions with a little time off for good behaviour to visit Lone Pine and Dreamworld.
Maki Wins Gold in the Open
14 April 2014
Maki Kamada won a gold medal in the Under 55kg kumite at the Australian Open Karate championships in Sydney (April 11-13). Congratulations to Maki in her kumite efforts!